Uploaded Files Storage

Configure on-premises installations of ebs to store uploaded files in a specified network file system directory. For example, to enable files to be scanned by the institution's anti-virus software.

Before configuring ebs to store uploaded files in a network file system directory, note the following:

Move files to a network location

If the storage location for your files is not on a local disk, you need to use service accounts to transfer the data. Ensure these service accounts have read and write permissions for the folder.

Move files to a network location as follows:

  1. On ebs Central, go to SystemInstitution Settings, and select General (Cross-System). In the field Directory path for uploaded files when storing to file system, enter the network location of the folder. For example, \\TribalCollege\UploadedFiles\. Then, set the following fields to Y:

    1. Store uploaded documents in the file system

    2. Store uploaded learner documents in the database

  2. On the server, configure domain service accounts for web services and workflow services.

  3. Define the web-services account. Go to IIS > Sites > Web-services website > Authentication > Anonymous access, and define the web-services account. Then, recycle the web-services application pool.

  4. Set the workflow service account. Go to Services > ebs workflow service > Properties > Log on tab, and set the workflow service account. Then, restart the workflow service.
  5. Check that the web services account and workflow services have full sharing permissions on the defined file system directory.

Note that you can also move specific files from the database to a file system directory using a workflow activity. For more information, go to Use the MoveBlobsFromDbToDisk Activity.

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